

Ready to get connected?

Learn more about Redeemer at our Newcomer’s Lunch or seek membership at our Discovering Redeemer Class.

Discovering Redeemer Class

Discovering Redeemer Class

Attend our membership class! Discovering Redeemer is a 6-week class during the Sunday School hour, culminating with a Saturday night dinner.

We will cover core topics like what we believe about the gospel, the church, membership, stewardship, and the city, as well as how to live well as a follower of Christ. This class is a discerning place for people who want to dig deeper at Redeemer. Following the class, you can meet individually with an elder to discuss membership.

Please note that this class runs from 9:30 to 10:50. Childcare will be provided from 9:20 to 10. At 10, children will be transitioned to their age-appropriate Redeemer Kids class, where you can pick them up at 10:50.

The class will take place in the Harrison Gallery.

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Youth Group Central

Youth Group Central

Join us this Sunday for Youth Group Central at the church from 3 to 4:30 pm. There will be exciting games, engaging discussions, and a great opportunity to hang out with friends. Don't miss out on a time of hanging out and studying the bible. See you there!

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Sunday is Palm Sunday, the day we remember Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is a powerful way to enter Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter). We hope everyone can join us this Sunday for worship, our Good Friday Service, the community Easter Egg Hunt, and more!

Services will be at our regular times, 8:30 and 11 am.

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High School Bible Studies

High School Bible Studies

Looking for a fun and welcoming place to connect with other high school students? Join us for our High School Bible Studies! You'll love hanging out with friends and engaging in discussions in different homes throughout the city. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to build friendships and grow together.

Email Mary Paxton or Nicholas for more details and locations.

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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Holy Week Prayer Nights
to Apr 17

Holy Week Prayer Nights

Join us each night of Holy Week for a special time of prayer. This will hopefully be a time when we will learn more about Jesus and see things through a new lens leading up to Good Friday. It'll be family-friendly and intergenerational. We hope you can be there! Monday-Thursday evening, from 6–6:45 pm in the sanctuary.

Where To Go

We ask that you park in the parking lot behind Redeemer, on 15th St, and in the Alabama lot if needed. Please, use the main doors or the door on 16th St to enter the sanctuary.

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

On Good Friday, we remember Christ's death on the cross as part of preparing for the joy of Easter. This year we will have two services at 5:30 & 7 pm. 

We look forward to providing childcare during the 5:30 service for our little ones ages 0 through kindergarten. To help us ensure we have enough sitters, please be sure to sign up in advance.

We hope you will plan to join in this time of prayer, worship, and reflection as we consider all that Jesus did for us. 

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Community Easter Egg Hunt with Redeemer Kids

Community Easter Egg Hunt with Redeemer Kids

Redeemer Kids is hosting a Community Easter Egg Hunt for our friends and neighbors at MLK Park on Saturday, April 19, from 10-11:30 am. Bring a bag or basket and meet us at the MLK Park pavilion. We'll have coffee and donuts, split into age groups, search for eggs, and have time to play on the playground with friends afterward.

If you'd like to volunteer to stuff or hide eggs, please e-mail Emily Pilkington. You can also help by donating fun-size candy at any entrance or by the Redeemer Kids check-ins on Sunday mornings or make donations through our Amazon Wishlist.

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Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

SERVICES AT 8, 9:30, & 11 AM


Get ready for this year's Easter Brunch! Easter is a special day of worshipping, serving, and feasting at Redeemer, we take feasting seriously. We will host a huge Easter brunch that will run during the worship services until early afternoon. We encourage you to participate in the morning worship services and brunch.

We need your help to pull this off. We encourage everyone to worship at one service, serve at one service, and feast at one service. If you usually volunteer with the welcome team or the Redeemer Kids ministry, look for a separate communication about Easter volunteering. Please use the link below to sign up to bring one of the food items. You can also use the link to sign up to volunteer to help with the brunch on Easter Sunday.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jesse Yeomans.

We will have disposable foil pans available for everyone to use for their dishes.

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TGC '25
to Apr 24

TGC '25

The Gospel Coalition has its conference in Indy April 22-24, 2025. The conference offers great speakers to encourage you in your faith under the theme “Alive Together: Faithful Living in a Faithless Age.” The main sessions will teach through Ephesians, alongside more than 60 breakout seminars.

You can register here with a $30 discount with the code TGCCHURCH. Prices go up after November 1 (the discount will apply whenever you register for $30 off the current price).

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High School Bible Studies

High School Bible Studies

Looking for a fun and welcoming place to connect with other high school students? Join us for our High School Bible Studies! You'll love hanging out with friends and engaging in discussions in different homes throughout the city. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to build friendships and grow together.

Email Mary Paxton or Nicholas for more details and locations.

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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Youth Group Central

Youth Group Central

Join us this Sunday for Youth Group Central at the church from 3 to 4:30 pm. There will be exciting games, engaging discussions, and a great opportunity to hang out with friends. Don't miss out on a time of hanging out and studying the bible. See you there!

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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High School Bible Studies

High School Bible Studies

Looking for a fun and welcoming place to connect with other high school students? Join us for our High School Bible Studies! You'll love hanging out with friends and engaging in discussions in different homes throughout the city. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to build friendships and grow together.

Email Mary Paxton or Nicholas for more details and locations.

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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Youth Group Central

Youth Group Central

Join us this Sunday for Youth Group Central at the church from 3 to 4:30 pm. There will be exciting games, engaging discussions, and a great opportunity to hang out with friends. Don't miss out on a time of hanging out and studying the bible. See you there!

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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June Newcomer's Lunch

June Newcomer's Lunch

We’ve loved seeing so many new faces over the last few months! If one of those new faces was yours, we’re glad you’re here! We know getting connected at a new church can be challenging. We would love to get to know you better and help you get to know us better!

Join us for lunch and meet Redeemer leaders and other newcomers, hear some of our stories, ask questions, and discover the next steps for getting involved. This is an excellent opportunity to get connected! Join us in the Speck Gallery on June 22nd after the 11 am service. 

All ages are welcome. Childcare and pizza will be provided. 

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Preparation is Key

Preparation is Key

If you are dealing with elderly parents’ health problems or living arrangements, we have the event for you.

Join us for a conversation on aging faithfully and making arrangements for family with health issues and the need for assisted living. This is to build a community of people who can share the wisdom of navigating aging gracefully.

Coffee, fruit, and muffins will be available all morning.

Questions? Please contact Marshall Overley

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Youth Group Central

Youth Group Central

Join us this Sunday for Youth Group Central at the church from 3 to 4:30 pm. There will be exciting games, engaging discussions, and a great opportunity to hang out with friends. Don't miss out on a time of hanging out and studying the bible. See you there!

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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March Newcomer's Lunch

March Newcomer's Lunch

We’ve loved seeing so many new faces over the last few months! If one of those new faces was yours, we’re glad you’re here! We know getting connected at a new church can be challenging. We would love to get to know you better and help you get to know us better!

Join us for lunch and meet Redeemer leaders and other newcomers, hear some of our stories, ask questions, and discover the next steps for getting involved. This is an excellent opportunity to get connected! Join us in the Speck Gallery on March 16th after the 11 am service. 

All ages are welcome. Childcare and pizza will be provided. 

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Weekend to Remember
to Mar 16

Weekend to Remember

  • Indianapolis Marriott Downtown (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

No marriage is static. Each day, each choice — you’re either moving closer together, toward oneness … or drifting farther apart. At the intersection of a faith-based marriage conference and romantic retreat from everyday life, Weekend to Remember helps couples do just that — choose oneness. Whether you’re sending up an SOS for marital rescue or looking to foster an already flourishing connection, Weekend to Remember is your best next step toward being, and staying, one.

The retreat will take place at the Marriott downtown and costs $175/person.

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High School Bible Studies

High School Bible Studies

Looking for a fun and welcoming place to connect with other high school students? Join us for our High School Bible Studies! You'll love hanging out with friends and engaging in discussions in different homes throughout the city. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to build friendships and grow together.

Email Mary Paxton or Nicholas for more details and locations.

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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Shepherd Community Center | Poverty 101 Lunch & Learn

Shepherd Community Center | Poverty 101 Lunch & Learn

What is poverty? Why does it matter? What does it mean to be trapped in poverty? How can I help someone in poverty?

Shepherd Community’s custom curriculum called Poverty 101 goes beyond simple research and study, giving you an immersive, hands-on opportunity to see, feel, and interact with poverty. Taught by Shepherd Community Chief Learning Officer Timothy Streett, you’ll learn through real-life examples, find a deeper understanding of the mindset of poverty and the faces who live it daily, and how poverty extends beyond mere finances.

Our 2025 Lunch & Learns will be a FREE 8-session journey into Shepherd’s Poverty 101. Every Lunch & Learn session includes a complimentary lunch and will last from Noon to 1:30 pm.

Learn more and RSVP here.

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Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

We are excited to meet for Ash Wednesday this year as we head into the season of Lent. We hope to engage this season thoughtfully and more connected as we ask God to help us in the forty days of Lent to show us what things we have let into our lives or that remain in our hearts that stand in the way of a more profound relationship with him.

We will serve pizza for dinner at 5 pm in the gym. The service will start at 6 pm, and we will have nursery workers available to care for children aged 0-Kindergarten. Please use the sign-up here to try to provide enough childcare for everyone.

We hope you will plan to join in this time of prayer, family worship, and even times of joint fasting to seek our Father's will and welcome his work in new ways. 

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Celebrate Recovery at Redeemer

Celebrate Recovery at Redeemer

Celebrate Recovery is a powerful ministry for those who recognize they have been trying to face their hurts, attitudes and habits alone. It’s a place where individuals can find hope and healing together, emphasizing the importance of community in the recovery process. By sharing our struggles and supporting one another, we can experience transformation through Jesus, who works within the context of relationships. It’s a journey toward wholeness that everyone can embark on, regardless of their past or present struggles. Jesus came to set us free. He said, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” There is no cost to participating in Celebrate Recovery.

Celebrate Recovery at Redeemer is a one-hour weekly meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm on the second floor of Redeemer by the church offices. At our weekly meeting we will read one chapter of John Baker’s book, Life’s Healing Choices and share how the principles in the chapter apply to our specific Hurts, Attitudes and Habits. Then we subdivide into groups of men and women and share on a deeper level and pray for one another. Extra copies of the book will be available each week.

If you have any questions, email Jeff Nottingham.

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Discovering Redeemer for Kids & Students

Discovering Redeemer for Kids & Students

Redeemer Kids and Redeemer Students are partnering together to offer a class for 4th-8th graders* interested in exploring the next step in their faith. On Sunday, March 2, we'll meet from 12:30-3 pm to take a closer look at the gospel, the sacraments, the church, and what it means to be a member at Redeemer. Interviews will be scheduled for those interested in taking communion after the class. Lunch and snacks are provided.

All participants must attend the class with at least one parent or guardian.

*If you have a child/student outside of this age range who is interested in this process, please contact Emily. We will likely recommend that older students attend Discovering Redeemer. 

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Herron YL | Rebuilding with Purpose Fundraiser

Herron YL | Rebuilding with Purpose Fundraiser

Join us for an evening of art, music, and story. A silent auction with music and appetizers followed by dessert and stories of gospel goodness. You'll hear an update on the Herron Young Life ministry, meet our fearless leaders, and exciting ways you might partner with us.

Guest speaker Joanna Taft will also introduce the Polklore Micro Museum, our setting for the evening.

We hope you can join us! Silent Auction starts at 6:30 pm with presentation at 7:30 pm.

If you would like to attend, email Jennie Rader.

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321 Evangelism Course

321 Evangelism Course

This year, we will run a new evangelism course called 321, starting Monday, February 24th. This four-week discussion group invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world, and yourself through videos and discussion.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating, please contact Erin.

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Family Hope Volunteer Training

Family Hope Volunteer Training

We are excited to invite you to our Volunteer Training on February 24, from 5:30-9 pm at Redeemer Presbyterian Church (1505 N Delaware St., Indianapolis, IN 46202). This training is required for anyone interested in volunteering as a Host, Support Friend, or Support Coach. Dinner will be provided for all who attend.

Contact Amy Tenney with questions/concerns.

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Redeemer/FSPC Choral Group

Redeemer/FSPC Choral Group

We are forming a joint Redeemer/FSPC choral group for this year's Good Friday program. If you are a Soprano, Alto, Tenor, or Bass, please register your interest by the link below. Rehearsals will be on most Sunday afternoons, 3-4:30 pm, in the Redeemer Sanctuary, starting Sunday, February 23. 

Please note that while we want to include as many people as possible, we also aim to have approximately even numbers in each part, so we will let you know if we have to limit the section sizes. If we cannot accommodate everyone, we will be sure to let you know of future opportunities! Speak to Adrian Pumphrey for more details.

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church Family Meeting

church Family Meeting

We will have a Redeemer family meeting on February 23 at 10 am to discuss our finances and Charles's month of rest in March in more detail. We know the topic of finances can seem boring or awkward, but we think healthy families (including church families) talk openly and honestly about these things.

We want to encourage everyone to prioritize attending. 

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High School House Party
to Feb 23

High School House Party

Join us for the 4th annual High School House Party! We will head to a big house in northern Indiana to hang out for the weekend. This is a great opportunity for students to spend time with each other and their leaders. There will be teaching, small groups, worship, games, good food and more!

Date: February 21-23

Gather at Redeemer at 4:45 PM to leave by 5:15 PM on Friday.
Returning to Redeemer around noon on Sunday

Place: The Green Lodge in DeMotte, IN

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High School Bible Studies

High School Bible Studies

Looking for a fun and welcoming place to connect with other high school students? Join us for our High School Bible Studies! You'll love hanging out with friends and engaging in discussions in different homes throughout the city. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to build friendships and grow together.

Email Mary Paxton or Nicholas for more details and locations.

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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New Hope Counseling Open House

New Hope Counseling Open House

Last year, we campaigned to purchase the duplex across the parking lot for ministry use. Since then, we have been using the west side for artist housing and renovating the east side for the new location of the New Hope Counseling offices.

New Hope is hosting an open house at the Duplex on Sunday, February 9th, from 10 am-2 pm. Come and see all of the updates we have made to make it a warm and welcoming place for counseling and mental health.

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CIP Men's Retreat
to Feb 8

CIP Men's Retreat

Join us for the annual Men's Retreat with Central Indiana Presbytery. This is a great opportunity to connect with other men, step away from our usual schedules, and set aside time to grow together in Christ. Redeemer's very own Charles Anderson will be the speaker this year! 

The retreat will take place at Hueston Woods Lodge and Conference Center in College Corner, Ohio.

Questions? Contact

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High School Bible Studies

High School Bible Studies

Looking for a fun and welcoming place to connect with other high school students? Join us for our High School Bible Studies! You'll love hanging out with friends and engaging in discussions in different homes throughout the city. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to build friendships and grow together.

Email Mary Paxton or Nicholas for more details and locations.

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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Youth Group Central

Youth Group Central

Join us this Sunday for Youth Group Central at the church from 6 to 7:30 pm. There will be exciting games, engaging discussions, and a great opportunity to hang out with friends. Don't miss out on a time of hanging out and studying the bible. See you there!

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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January Newcomer's Lunch

January Newcomer's Lunch

We’ve loved seeing so many new faces over the last few months! If one of those new faces was yours, we’re glad you’re here! We know getting connected at a new church can be challenging. We would love to get to know you better and help you get to know us better!

Join us for lunch and meet Redeemer leaders and other newcomers, hear some of our stories, ask questions, and discover the next steps for getting involved. This is an excellent opportunity to get connected! Join us in the Speck Gallery on January 26th after the 11 am service. 

All ages are welcome. Childcare and pizza will be provided. 

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Themes of Isaiah Sunday School Class

Themes of Isaiah Sunday School Class

Starting Sunday, January 26, join us for a special class on the themes of Isaiah, taught by Rev. Dan Perrin.

Commonly known as the "Fifth Gospel," the book of Isaiah lays the foundation for many significant biblical themes: justification by grace alone, the divine nature of Jesus, Christ's atonement, and more. Through the class, participants will see how Isaiah provides a bridge between the Old and New Testaments, and helps us see and understand the work of Jesus more clearly. We hope to see you there!

The class will take place at 10 am in the Harrison Gallery.

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Embracing the Season of Retirement

Embracing the Season of Retirement

Are you retired or close to retirement? Do you find yourself wondering what's next in life? If so, we hope you can join us on Saturday, January 25, for a special morning of prayer and discussion about how to honor Jesus and make the most of this season.
Men and women, those married or single, and those with or without children or grandchildren are invited. 

The gathering in November focused on themes of identity. Our next two gatherings will focus on important conversations we might have with our families before a crisis arises. On January 25, we'll look at finances and spirituality. Later in the spring, we'll discuss questions on health and legal issues. 

Questions? Please contact Marshall Overley

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Youth Group Central

Youth Group Central

Kick off the semester right with Youth Group Central this Sunday at the church from 3 to 4:30 pm. There will be exciting games, engaging discussions, and a great opportunity to hang out with friends. Don't miss out on a time of hanging out and studying the bible. See you there!

If you want to sign up for text notifications, then text "redeemerstudents" to 97000.

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321 Evangelism Course Info Meeting

321 Evangelism Course Info Meeting

Please join us in the Speck Gallery on Sunday, January 19th, from 10-10:50 am to hear more about our new Evangelism Course.

This year, we will run a new evangelism course called 321. It will run for four consecutive Monday nights (2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17) at City BBQ. We would love you to join us and bring your neighbors, friends, and co-workers.

We will hold an informational meeting to explain the course and content. We’ll talk about:

  • What will happen on a typical Monday night?  

  • I’d like to invite someone, but I don’t know how to extend the invitation!

  • What if I invite someone and they say no? Is it worth risking our friendship or making things awkward? 

  • I don’t know the next right step with my neighbor— or co-worker or relative or friend—but I know they are curious about faith. 

  • I grew up in the church, but I don’t really understand the gospel. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit that...

We will cover these topics and more. We’d love you to join us. If you have any questions, please email Erin.

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God's Story of Sex: Crash Course

God's Story of Sex: Crash Course

We are offering a one-day session to discuss God’s story of sex (it’s the same as what community groups have covered, but the teaching will be live, not on video).

This Winter, we offer two additional sessions to discuss some of the more difficult topics involving what the Bible says about sex. We want you to be well-informed and will require you to have gone through the foundation series before those meetings.

So if you missed the video series or you need a refresher, use the link here to sign up.

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Spring Bible Studies
to Jan 12

Spring Bible Studies

Redeemer Women and Men will study the Book of Ecclesiastes this spring. Each participant will receive an ESV scripture journal of Ecclesiastes and either Hannah Anderson’s Life Under the Sun: The Unexpectedly Good News of Ecclesiastes or Recovering Eden: The Gospel According to Ecclesiastes by Zack Eswine.

You will choose the option and time that works best for you. Then, your Bible study leader will contact you by email as soon as possible after registration closes on January 12th. Sign-ups open on December 29th.

If you have any questions, please contact Emily for more information. 

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Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Join us for either of our evening Christmas Eve services! We will have two Candlelight Service options at 4:30 and 7 pm.

Children's Worship and Nursery will be available during the 4:30 pm service but not during the 7 pm service.

If you have any questions about childcare, please reach out to Emily.

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Shepherd Community Center Christmas Store | Day 3

Shepherd Community Center Christmas Store | Day 3

Redeemer's deacon team has begun partnering with Shepherd Community Center. Shepherd is a faith-based, nonprofit organization with a mission to break the cycle of poverty on the near Eastside of Indianapolis through a Continuum of Care that meets the physical, emotional, spiritual, and academic needs of our neighbors.

Redeemer’s deacon team seeks to steward the congregation’s resources to positively impact ministries like Shepherd, where we believe God is at work!
We look specifically for organizations that are meeting needs in the city that align with Redeemer’s heartbeat, or where we are already seeing people engaged.

Christmas Store: December 18-20

The Christmas Store is the largest event that Shepherd puts on all year. At the Christmas Store, parents of families in our programs are able to “shop” through a large selection of donated toys received through our toy drive. We are able to empower our families to pick out toys for their kids. Parents are able to leave Shepherd that day with a car full of gifts for their families to be opened on Christmas morning. 

Be a part of this event on one of the follow dates by signing up here for a shift to wrap gifts or shop through the store with families:

  • Wednesday, December 18th from 8am-8pm

  • Thursday, December 19th from 8am-8pm

  • Friday, December 20th from 8am-12pm

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Blue Christmas Service

Blue Christmas Service

Join Midtown Church for their Blue Christmas service. Blue Christmas is an evening of worship for those experiencing grief, sadness, loneliness, and loss this Christmas season — and for those who stand in solidarity with them, weeping with those who weep.

Many of us enter the Christmas season thinking about our losses: the death of a loved one, a lingering illness or injury, a breakup or divorce, ongoing financial struggles, and difficulties at work and dysfunctional relationships at home can leave us feeling lonely, unloved, and lost. It can be so hard to sing joyful Christmas songs when so much has gone so wrong.

But what if facing up to what has gone wrong is actually the whole reason for Christmas? What if Jesus came into the world for this very purpose: to comfort the afflicted, to care for the downcast, to face our sorrows with us, and destroy death? Christmas is a holiday of joy only if Jesus came into the world to deal with our greatest griefs and sorrows and sufferings in order to give us lasting hope. At Midtown, they are a community learning to grieve our losses by clinging to our hope: that Jesus entered our world to love the hurting and to make all things right again.

They would love for you to join them on December 19 at 7:00 pm as we seek bright hope for tomorrow despite today’s many griefs.

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