From the very beginning, we knew we wanted to be a church planting church. It’s part of our DNA.

We believe that Gospel-fueled communities change the city, one neighborhood at a time.


In 2020, we called our current church planting resident to Indianapolis to start a church on the near westside.

The second daughter church of Redeemer hopes to minister to, worship with, and cultivate a Christ-centered community in the Haughville neighborhood of Indianapolis.


Learn more about the Near Westside

To plant a church successfully, it's essential to invest time in understanding the community's needs and building relationships with its residents. This foundational work ensures that the church's impact is relevant and meaningful to the local context. If you would like to see how we are approaching church planting or being a part of our plant, we invite you to watch these videos to learn more.

learn more about the needs in this community

hear how you can get involved

discover why establishing relationships is crucial


Want to learn more and get involved?

Want to learn more about our current church planting team and what they are up to in the Near Westside/Haughville area? Use the link below to sign-up for their newsletter to stay up to date.

Also, every bit of your generosity helps us to build bridges and hear the stories of the members in this community. Please consider giving to the church planting fund.

Note: By selecting “Church Planting,” you will be supporting our general church planting fund. If you select “West Side Church Plant,” it will go directly to the work of ministry in Haughville.


Interested in church planting?

Fill out the form below; we’d love to chat about it.

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