Celebrate Recovery is a powerful ministry for those who recognize they have been trying to face their hurts, attitudes and habits alone. It’s a place where individuals can find hope and healing together, emphasizing the importance of community in the recovery process. By sharing our struggles and supporting one another, we can experience transformation through Jesus, who works within the context of relationships. It’s a journey toward wholeness that everyone can embark on, regardless of their past or present struggles. Jesus came to set us free. He said, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” There is no cost to participating in Celebrate Recovery.
Celebrate Recovery at Redeemer is a one-hour weekly meeting on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm on the second floor of Redeemer by the church offices. At our weekly meeting we will read one chapter of John Baker’s book, Life’s Healing Choices and share how the principles in the chapter apply to our specific Hurts, Attitudes and Habits. Then we subdivide into groups of men and women and share on a deeper level and pray for one another. Extra copies of the book will be available each week.
If you have any questions, email Jeff Nottingham.