Women's Shepherding Team Candidates


Our newly-formed Women's Shepherding Team consists of women who, by God's grace, will serve alongside Elders in shepherding and caring for the members of Redeemer. Women's Shepherding Team members are nominated by the congregation, and appointed by the Elders. The women being commissioned for our Women's Shepherding Team are:


Susan Jones

  • Susan Galey Jones was born and raised in LaPorte, Indiana and now lives in Plainfield with her husband Michael and their two homeschooled boys, Parker (14) and Greyson (11).

    Susan first came to Redeemer just over ten years ago, actively seeking God during a difficult time of lostness. Upon entering the sanctuary and seeing all the stained glass and the obvious missing stained glass, she knew Christ was real, that he knew her fully, and died to save her. The Angel of the Resurrection is a Tiffany window she frequently admired at the Indianapolis Museum of Art when she wasn't busy with her theatre studies at Butler University. She came to discover on that first visit that our building is where the window she had previously admired was originally housed. The window reads, "Awake thou that sleepest. Arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light" and this is what He has done in her.

    Susan makes her own stained glass art now. She also enjoys directing applied theatre projects for the non-profit she runs. She looks forward to serving on the Women's Shepherding Team as an opportunity to grow closer to and together with her brothers and sisters in Christ. Redeemer is her home because she knows here she can fully express herself and be lovingly accepted.

Sarah Nottingham

  • Sarah is originally from Louisville. She came to faith through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ while a student-athlete at Marshall University. She moved to Indianapolis to pursue midwifery. Her future husband (Redeemer deacon Mark Nottingham) moved to Indianapolis to pursue her. They landed at Redeemer sixteen years ago because of the richness they found in the order of worship and the transparency they experienced from the leadership and their families.

    A big reason Redeemer feels like home for Sarah is that she and Mark were married here, birthed and baptized all four of their kids in this community, and she has been living out her two greatest callings, marriage and motherhood, here. They have been thankful to call Redeemer home since their own family beginnings.

    At first, Sarah began the leadership training process as a way to show support for Redeemer’s vision for the Women’s Shepherding Team, and she was excited about the teaching and training that went along with the process. Over the course of the training, Sarah has had an increased awareness of her calling to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.

    Sarah and her husband Mark have four kids (Zander age 9, Scout age 5, Wyatt age 4, and Ryder age 9 months). Sarah loves walking or biking to experience the city, especially if that gets her to a farmers market or other yummy food or drink establishment. She also loves to explore nature with her kids. Marrot Park is a favorite spot for the Nottingham family.

Terry Overley

  • Terry was born in Indianapolis and graduated from Southport High School. She spent 30 years in West Lafayette before moving to Indianapolis in 2018. She and her husband, Marshall, have been at Redeemer ever since.

    Terry grew up knowing that church was an important part of life, but she first recognized her need for a savior after a home visit from a church visitation team when she was 23. She loves the friendly faces and Bible-centered teaching at Redeemer. Terry feels called to be part of the Women’s Shepherding Team because the accountability of group Bible studies and stage-of-life peers has been important in her spiritual life, and she would love to share the blessings she has received with other women.

    Terry has been married to her husband Marshall for 50 years. They have three adult children and five grandkids. Two of their kids are also Redeemer members (Kristine Collins and Redeemer elder Matt Overley). In her free time, you can find Terry at family get-togethers, at the Zoo, or at the Indianapolis Historical Society Festival of Trees.

Jane Smith

  • Jane grew up in Chattanooga, TN, and lived there through early adulthood before spending 21 years in Atlanta. She moved to Indiana in 2010 when she married her husband, Mark.

    Jane grew up in the Methodist church. For much of her early life she found that her religion was largely performance-based. Over the years and through the ministry of various churches, bits and pieces of the gospel kept implanting in her heart. The Lord has patiently and kindly pursued Jane over the years, and she now knows He died for her, His death and resurrection assure her of eternal life with Him no matter what, and any freedom from sin and sin patterns she has experienced or may experience are by His grace alone. She continues to be amazed by the transforming safety of the gospel, and she is so grateful.

    Jane and Mark were told about Redeemer by one of her dear friends who knew former Redeemer Lead Pastor Jason Dorsey through the PCA’s church planting ministry. The Smiths visited sporadically while living in Anderson and began exploring the possibility of attending more in earnest after they moved first to Noblesville and later to Indy. In their early days of attending regularly, Redeemer was in the transition period between lead pastors, and they found the same authenticity and spirit they had experienced in their brief time before Jason left.

    Jane says Redeemer feels like home because, “It was the Lord's Spirit, I'm convinced, that drew me to Redeemer from some of our earliest visits and continuing through the present. I was going through a really rough time when we first decided to make Redeemer our church home, and part of the reason we decided on Redeemer was that it felt like a place that would take care of my heart. The importance that Redeemer places on a heart relationship with the Lord, as evidenced, in part, by its counseling ministries (and, especially for me, Storied Lives), alongside gospel-centered preaching, shone through from early on. There were, and still are, special folks at Redeemer who have responded to me with such kindness, which sometimes was in the form of speaking the truth in love in such a way that I experienced more of the Lord's heart for me. The Lord has met me at Redeemer time and again, sometimes in worship, sometimes in conversations with a brother or sister, but always in a way that lets me know I belong to Him, and that, at least for this season, I belong at Redeemer.”

    Jane feels called to be a member of the Women’s Shepherding Team because she desires to meet people where they are and walk alongside them in whatever way the Lord might want to use her in their lives to help encourage them in Him. She is in a season of retirement that affords more margin in her schedule to devote the mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to this role that it will require.

    Jane is married to Mark and has four step-sons and six step-grandchildren along with their beloved eight-year-old labradoodle, Samwise. In their free time, you can find the Smiths exploring Indianapolis on their e-bikes, eating at a favorite restaurant, or enjoying live music and theater.