Sunday Announcements

newcomer’s Lunch

March 17th at 12:30pm

Join us for lunch and meet Redeemer leaders and other newcomers, hear some of our stories, ask questions, and find out the next steps for getting involved. This is an excellent opportunity to get connected! All ages are welcome. Childcare and pizza will be provided in the children’s worship room. Use the link to RSVP.

Discovering Redeemer Class

Begins April 7 9:30 am-10:50 am


Join us for our 6-week class that takes place during the Sunday School hour with a Saturday night dinner at the end of the class. We will cover core topics like what we believe about the gospel, the church, membership, stewardship, and the city, as well as how to live well as a follower of Christ. This class is mandatory for membership, so use the link to register. 

Students Summer Camp 

Second Mouse DEADLINE Apr. 1

We’re so excited about taking our Middle & High School Students to summer camp at Ridge Haven this summer! We believe that summer camp is both the culmination of a year spent together studying God’s Word in community as well as a massive on-ramp to deepening relationships and growing faith as we head into the next school year. Use the QR code to learn more and register.

Church Planting Updates

In 2020, we called Ben Hein—our church-planting resident—and his family to Indianapolis to start a church on the Near Westside with hopes of ministering to, worshiping with, and cultivating a Christ-centered community in the Haughville neighborhood of Indianapolis.

During his time here, Ben has been able to form many relationships and listen to the stories of his new neighbors.

The elders are very excited to see a new church form on the Near Westside. Watch this video to see how everyone can help support our church plant.

Want to learn more about our church planting team and what they are up to in the Near Westside/Haughville area, and how you can get involved? Sign up for our church planting newsletter.

Year-End Giving

December has been a busy month of ministry at Redeemer.

  • Over 100 kids came to Christmas Camp, where they learned about the birth of our savior.

  • The Near Westside coat drive received over 220 coats.

  • A team from Redeemer worked at a youth camp in Kenya where over 75 high schoolers learned about the gospel.

This impact on our city and world only happens because of your generosity. We are humbled by the ways you support the work of Redeemer.

End-of-Year Deadlines

Please note the following deadlines if you need to ensure your gift is included in 2023.

  • Online gifts need to be made by 11:59 pm on December 31st.

  • Mailed gifts must be postmarked by December 30th.

  • Gifts can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday, December 31st.

Please email with any questions.

4:8 Fund Update

Since the summer of 2020, our church has sought to confront the racial injustice we find in our city. One of our solutions to seek the wholeness of our city was to establish the 4:8 Fund, which provides mental health services to people of color in our neighborhoods. Use the link below to watch the video update from Julianne Vastbinder (Deacon Team Coordinator).