This year at Kid’s Club, knights and ladies in training were on a Quest to know our true King and follow him with our lives. At our Friday night celebration, children, volunteers, and family members created foil crown panels to celebrate all that we learned about our King and his everlasting kingdom.
A tapestry of colorful foil paper cascades down the wall, full of crowns and jeweled stickers.For something created at the end of a week of VBS, this piece is otherworldly; a kaleidoscope of colors and light bouncing every which way, creating an underwater effect that is mesmerizing. While many crowns are directly in the center of their specific color field, several are placed more haphazardly which adds even more movement to this beautiful mosaic.
All of these elements—from the askew crowns to the bedazzled gems, point to the hands that created them, both big and small. The assortment of colors and different crowns also points to the beauty of the true King’s kingdom. The collaboration that it took to put this piece together clearly points to the time that these kids and leaders spent together over the past week.
By using the analogy of knights and ladies throughout the week, leaders were able to emphasize the way that God sees each and every one of them as little lords and ladies and He is our true King. What better way to end this week than to create a piece together that emphasizes the image of royalty that exists in all of us?