Advent Art (2024)
Around a dozen artists led and collaborated this year to produce Advent art. Each artist worked hard and thoughtfully to create a piece depicting a different interpretation of Luke 8.
Cover Art
Bethany Sanders, 2024
Back Stage Wall
Lucy Rader, 2024
In Luke 8, Jesus shares what has become a familiar parable about seeds sown in four different places. These panels show an interpretation of those four different paths: seeds withered by sun, seeds eaten by birds, seeds choked by thorns, and seeds that grew to yield a hundredfold.
Advent Curtains
Special thanks to our woodworkers, knitters, and crocheters from the congregation.
Advent Boat
Tom Peck, Barb Knuckles, and Advent Workshoppers
The Galilee Boat was inspired by two stories in Luke 8. Jesus, riding in a boat, calmed a squall on a lake that is 8 miles wide, 13 miles long, and 141 feet deep. He later crossed the Sea of Galilee in a boat to heal a demonized man.The embossing foils depict aspects of those stories. The boat Jesus used was of similar proportions but 2/3 bigger (around 27 feet long), flat bottomed, with a mast and 4 positions for rowers. Tom Peck, Barb Knuckles, Advent Workshop participants.
Karyl Boring, Emmanuel—God With Us, 2024
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling with us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
–John 1:14
Advent Candles
Kyrie Lewis and Esther Grey
Entrance Doors
Cheyanne Bell, Caleb McDonald, Evangeline Brumbaugh, and Natalie Tolbert, Thought Balloons, 2024
Communion Set
Katie Ito, Desperation is Good Soil, 2024, cup, pitcher, and bread Cloche
When reading through Luke 8, I noticed a profound connection to the description of the good soil in Jesus’ Parable of the Sower and the following stories of people in utterly desolate situations: The disciples trapped and tossed about in a storm that could kill them. A man tortured to the brink of death with a legion of demons inside him. A bleeding woman who has lived in complete social isolation and despair for 12 years. A father who is beside himself in grief at the thought of his little girl dying. In every story, Jesus’ heart leaps joyfully to draw close and meet them in their desolation.
What if your desperate need does not turn God away, but is the force that pulls you into His arms? What if your unspeakable grief and heartache, shattering betrayal, crushed dreams, and buried hopes are actually the rich soil that produces a ten-fold harvest?
O Lord, our hearts are open to you, and from you, no secrets are hidden. Cleanse us of our need to have it all together. Remind us hourly that our complete and utter desperation qualifies us to be considered good soil for the word of God to take root in our hearts.
South window
Nick Dodge, The Sun Will Rise, 2024
Outdoor Sign Cover
Caleb Keitt, Yarn Flow, 2024