TThe NWS coat drive returns! Our church planting ministry is hosting another winter clothing drive for the children/families at Matchbook Learning, a K-8 school on the Near Westside of Indianapolis. This year, we are collecting coats for the whole family as well as crew neck sweaters for students (the only indoor warm garments allowed in the new dress code). One of the greatest needs children and families have at this time is adequate clothing to keep them warm. Many children walk to school or wait outside for long periods of time for their buses. Often, children are seen arriving at school without even the bare minimum to stay warm in these blistering cold months.
Can you support our ministry in this tangible way by providing either a new or gently used donation? We have created a wishlist with suggested items to make things easy. We will be collecting donations until December 1st. Donations can be dropped off at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning or mailed to:
Ben Hein
1505 N. Delaware St
Indianapolis, IN 46202