Elder Candidates


Elders are men who, by God’s grace, direct the affairs of the church by shepherding the congregation and leading Redeemer in its mission and vision (BCO 8). Elders are nominated and elected by the congregation to serve in an ordained capacity. Our new candidates for Ruling Elder are:


Andrew Christenberry

  • Andrew was born in Pensacola, FL, but he mostly grew up in Asheboro, NC. He came to know Christ as a child. His church hosted a revival, and he was profoundly struck by his need for Christ and the gospel.

    Andrew is married to Ellen, and they have two sons (Walker age 3, and Noah age 1). It was Ellen who first brought Andrew to Redeemer. She has been attending with her family since 2006. The Christenberrys met while students at Covenant College. They were married and moved to Indy soon after graduation, which is when they began attending Redeemer.

    Andrew says that Redeemer feels like home because of its rich, Christ-centered community, Gospel-oriented worship and teaching, and profoundly recognized dependence on the good news of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. He feels called to be an elder because, “I love Redeemer and long for the Lord to use me for His good purposes in our community. While I have often found it difficult to discern the Lord’s calling on my life, over the past year, as I have reflected, I can see how He has been at work in equipping me, both through Redeemer’s leadership training and throughout my life, to serve as an elder. This is something I desire to take seriously, just as I desire to serve the Lord and desire to obey His call.”

    For fun, Andrew loves going to concerts, trying new restaurants, sitting around a fire with good friends, and biking.

Matthias Lind

  • Matthias hails from Elgin, IL. He grew up in the church but did not really come to know Christ until his junior year of college. Earlier that year, he connected with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF). It was through this ministry that the gospel came alive to him.

    After college, Matthias worked with RUF at Indiana University for a few years. It was here that he met his wife, Mary Paxton (Redeemer Students Associate Girls Director). After RUF, he took a job in Indy, and the Linds have been part of Redeemer since moving here three years ago.

    A large part of Matthias’ story of faith is how he came to experience the love of Christ instead of just knowing about the love of Christ. He loves Redeemer because it is a church that works hard to keep its focus on Christ and builds a community that reflects that. It’s complicated, messy, awkward, and time-consuming, but it’s also the same kind of community that brought him to Christ. It’s home because at Redeemer people matter, and loving them like Christ matters. Tie that in with good theology and liturgy, and you have a place to call home.

    When asked why he feels called to be an elder, Matthias says, “This is always a tough question to answer. I tend to think of calling as the confluence of things like opportunity, need, affirmation, desire, etc. Most importantly, I see it as ‘what is God doing here and how can I serve that purpose?’ So, in that regard, I find myself in the middle of a Venn diagram of expressed need, personal desire to lead and care for my church, the affirmation of my community, and an opportunity to continue to grow as a leader and follower of Christ. I feel called to this role because God is working through Redeemer, and I’m here to take on the roles he leads me to.”

    Matthias loves exploring Indy on his bike. Over the past few years, he has pedaled thousands of miles around town, which has helped him to know and love the city in an intimate way. He also loves to check out new restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and all the interesting things Indy offers. You can often find Matthias and Mary Paxton hanging out on their porch in Irvington with their dog, Doug. Come by and say hello!

Marshall Overley

  • Marshall grew up in Monticello, IN, and spent 30 years in West Lafayette before relocating to Indianapolis in 2018. He and his wife, Terry, have been at Redeemer ever since.

    Marshall came to faith in Christ while a student at Hanover College. He was studying the story of the rich young ruler (Matthew 19, Luke 18) in a theology class when God showed him it was impossible to please God using his own strength and abilities. But there was hope because God had provided a path to repentance and reconciliation through Christ’s death and resurrection.

    Over the course of their marriage, Marshall and Terry have had the joy of building their own expanded community of saints as in Hebrews 11. At Redeemer, they see many more saints whom God is raising up to serve him. They especially appreciate the preaching of the Word, prayer times, worship, and the faithfulness of the leaders and members. Marshall and Terry see Redeemer as a true spiritual family.

    When considering his calling to be a ruling elder at Redeemer, Marshall says, “The Lord has been faithful to me. Ephesians 4:12 (“…to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up...”) is a call that has been amplified in me over the years as I have matured in my walk with Christ. As I sit in church I always look around and consider the stories of my brothers and sisters. These stories are being lived out in joy and sorrow around me. I pray for you all and want to be used to strengthen you in the Lord for the building up of the body.”

    Marshall has been married to his wife Terry for 50 years. They have three adult children and five grandkids. Two of their kids are also Redeemer members (Kristine Collins and Redeemer elder Matt Overley). In his free time, you can find Marshall spending time with his family (both his kids and grandkids and his spiritual family), watching the Indy 500, or (sometimes) watching the Colts.

Mark Smith

  • Mark is originally from Cincinnati but grew up in St. Louis, where he came to faith through his high school Sunday school class. He and his wife Jane have been at Redeemer for the past seven years. They first heard about the church from a friend of Jane’s who knew Redeemer’s previous Lead Pastor, Jason Dorsey. The Smiths were living in Anderson but visited multiple times. They ultimately felt called to make Redeemer their church home when they moved to Indy in 2015.

    Mark loves Redeemer because it is a safe place to both celebrate his joys and come with the heavy things of life. He believes in the ministry of the local church and feels called to be a part of the discipleship mission of Redeemer.

    In addition to his wife, Jane, Mark has four grown sons and six grandchildren. In his free time, you can find Mark riding his e-bike around Indy with Jane, eating at a favorite restaurant, and hanging out with his grandkids.