Deaconess Candidates


Deaconesses are women who, by God’s grace, likewise lead alongside Deacons in caring for the practical needs of our church and community (BCO 9-7). Deaconesses are nominated by the congregation, and appointed by the Elders. The women being commissioned as Deaconesses are:


Jenny Baenziger

  • Jenny grew up in Danville, IN, in a Christian home. She can look back at her story and see big and small steps along her faith journey where she increasingly grew in her understanding of what it means to follow Christ.

    Jenny first came to Redeemer 16 years ago while in medical school. A friend from school thought she and her husband, Peter, would enjoy the church. They soon jumped right in volunteering with the food team, an experience that helped them quickly get connected to others in the church.

    Jenny says she loves Redeemer because, “Redeemer people care about the big, serious questions of life but that they also get very hands-on and practical with people. They put their faith into action; over and over, I have seen people in our congregation lovingly, and sacrificially care for others in their lives. I love that the church leadership takes discipleship seriously. I love that our kids are welcomed and valued and that nobody blinks an eye if our kid makes noise during service or has their shoes on the wrong feet. I love that I get to see amazing artwork and handiwork every month in our building, showing God's beauty and imagination in ways I never could. I love the rich lyrics of the songs on Sunday mornings. And I love the community – new friends and old friends that have been by our side through thick and thin.”

    Jenny feels called to the deaconess role because she will get to care for people in our congregation and city, and she will get to work to empower and encourage our congregation to harness their skills and passions to serve the vulnerable. While a deacon assistant she realized that the more she seeks to help others, the more they teach her about how much she needs help and humility. She is excited to help our congregation experience that too.

    Jenny is married to Peter, and they have four kids. In her free time, you can find Jenny kayaking/canoeing at Eagle Creek Park, at a porch gathering, enjoying a chai latte with friends at the Foundry, or visiting the Pike library or Tarkington Park with the kids.

Erin Hall

  • Erin is an Indy native. She grew up at Castleview Baptist Church and remembers praying to except Jesus as a young child in her family’s kitchen in Broad Ripple. There wee several times during high school and college where the Holy Spirit helped deepen her faith. Throughout her life, first at Castleview and now at Redeemer, being part of a strong faith community has been essential to Erin’s faith journey.

    Erin began attending Redeemer 18 years ago while in law school. She was drawn to the art, liturgy, mission, size, and culture of Redeemer. She has been part of this faith community longer than any other in her life. The people at Redeemer know her joys and sorrows, her strengths and needs.

    She began working with the Deacon Team as a deacon assistant before the pandemic and enjoys the work they do. As the Executive Director of the Neighborhood Christian Legal clinic, Erin sees becoming a deaconess as a natural extension of her life’s calling to work for mercy and justice.

    In her free time, you can find Erin enjoying the outdoors, hiking, kayaking, taking walks, dining with friends, and plein air painting. She loves Indianapolis and enjoying its culture with friends.