Deacon Candidates


Deacons are men who, by God’s grace, care for the material and practical needs of our church and community (BCO 9). Deacons are nominated and elected by the congregation to serve in an ordained capacity. Our new candidates for Deacon are:


Luke Granholm

  • Luke originally comes from Naples, FL. He grew up in a Christian home and knew from an early age that he was nothing without God.

    Luke has been at Redeemer for eleven years. Back then he was a poor college grad interning at The Oaks Academy and living with Redeemer members Doug and Amy Wilson. The Wilsons invited him to Redeemer, and he has been coming every since. So many people at Redeemer have been an integral part of his life for so long, that Redeemer feels like home. Luke’s calling to be a deacon is a natural extension of his long-time desire to see this church thrive in the work God has for her in the city.

    In his free time, Luke loves exploring the city by bike, trying new restaurants, and finding places to catch the sunset.

Jamison MacKillop

  • Jamison grew up in Richmond, VA, where he came to faith as a child. He originally came to central Indiana to attend college at Taylor University.

    Jamison started attending Redeemer eleven years ago based on the recommendation of a close family friend and his academic advisor at Taylor. He loves being able to share life with the people that make up the Redeemer community. After attending Redeemer for quite a while, his desire to serve others in the church and the surrounding community continues to grow. He believes the Lord has assembled a wonderful community here with a tremendous opportunity to see His kingdom grow in Indianapolis.

    Jamison is married to Melanie. Some of their favorite things to do in Indy are have meals with friends (both in their home and at restaurants around town), fish for bass on the White River, and bike or walk on the Monon, Cultural, and Pennsy trails.

Warren Griffin

  • Warren was born in Louisville, but he grew up on the north side of Indy in the town of Sheridan. He grew up in a Christian home, but he believes his faith truly came alive when he started attending Redeemer five-and-a-half years ago. He first visited because Redeemer was the closest church to where he was living, but it has since come to feel like home. Warren credits this largely with his community group (both his current group and previous groups he has been in) along with all the other people he has come to know over his time here.

    Warren feels called to the role of deacon because he has a heart to serve. More specifically, he has a heart to serve some of our less fortunate neighbors.

    Some of his favorite things around Indy are trying out new restaurants and attending high school football games.