It’s time to
Registration is open now and will close May 12.
Will you run the race with us?
Grab your Olympic torch and join us for Kids Club 2024 as we join athletes all over the world training to “go for gold” at the Paris Summer Olympic Games. Together, we’ll learn that to finish the race God has given us to run, we must fix our eyes on Jesus.
Get ready for hurdles, shot put, and more during our mini-summer games!
What is Kids Club?
Kids Club is Redeemer's camp-like version of Vacation Bible School. Throughout the evening Monday through Thursday, preschool and elementary children will rotate through stations of crafts, games, a Bible Story, dinner, and large group with their leaders and same-aged peers. We'll end the week with a special Sunday afternoon lunch and celebration at a local park for everyone (parents, volunteers, and church family included) to enjoy.
When is Kids Club? June 3-6 from 5-7 pm at Redeemer and June 9 from 12:30-2:30 pm at a Spades Park for our end of the week celebration.
Who is Kids Club for? Children who turned 3 by December 31st through next school year's rising fifth graders are welcome to join us as campers at Kids Club.
Want to Volunteer? Kids Club isn’t just for kids! We’d love for you to consider volunteering in one of the many areas we have a need. You can spend time building relationships with one age group of kids, help organize and serve dinner, throw water balloons with the games team, help set up or tear down, or encourage creativity by helping with crafts. Please sign up as a Student Leader if you are a rising 6th-12th grader or as an Adult Volunteer if you are any other age.
What if I want to volunteer but need childcare for my kids below Kids Club Age? Childcare is offered for the children of volunteers ages 0-3.5 only. 2-3.5 year-olds will also have a story, craft, and game related to this year's content in their classroom each night.
Sign-up Here
Thinking about volunteering?
In this video, we will hear from Tim George, two of last year’s volunteers, and learn how volunteering is a great way to get involved.
Watch this video to hear from Jesse & Stephanie Yeomans, two volunteers from 2022, and we will learn how volunteering at Kids Club can be a great way to get plugged into the church.